Crea-Nest-Lies XXL dies no. 127, Circles with rough edges and stitchlines
Hersteller: Crealies
Lieferanten-Artikelnummer: CLNestXXL127
Verfügbar: Ab Lager
Lagerbestand: 1 Stk.
Lieferanten-Artikelnummer: CLNestXXL127
Verfügbar: Ab Lager
Lagerbestand: 1 Stk.
Stanzen & Prägen: Stanzschablonen
Motive: Nesting Dies
Motive: Nesting Dies
CHF / Stk. inkl. MwSt.
Max. 13 x 13 cm.
Can be combined with:
This set consists of 12 dies:
1 = 2,0 x 2,0 cm
2 = 3,0 x 3,0 cm
3 = 4,0 x 4,0 cm
4 = 5,0 x 5,0 cm
5 = 6,0 x 6,0 cm
6 = 7,0 x 7,0 cm
7 = 8,0 x 8,0 cm
8 = 9,0 x 9,0 cm
9 = 10,0 x 10,0 cm
10 = 11,0 x 11,0 cm
11 = 12,0 x 12,0 cm
12 = 13,0 x 13,0 cm