Damaged Magazine Ausgabe No. 4
Hersteller: Abteilung 502
Lieferanten-Artikelnummer: ABT707
Verfügbar: Nicht an Lager - Lieferfrist 15 - 20 Tage
Lagerbestand: 0 Stk.
Lieferanten-Artikelnummer: ABT707
Verfügbar: Nicht an Lager - Lieferfrist 15 - 20 Tage
Lagerbestand: 0 Stk.
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1 Heft in Englisch
Covering a multitude of branches of modeling from historical to sci-fi, covering cars, machinery and or scenes, Damaged covers both assembly aspects and techniques of more realistic and innovative painting styles used by many of the best modelers today. The Damaged magazine is a great magazine to inspire modelers and show them new possibilities in the hobby. With original articles this magazine explains with detailed articles “step step by step” how to execute each technique.
If you like modeling you will like Damaged. In this edition we can see a Star Wars ship, and a cartoon of a crime scene …