Water Gel Atlantic Blue
Hersteller: AK-Interactive
Lieferanten-Artikelnummer: AK8003
Verfügbar: Ab Lager
Lagerbestand: 2 Stk.
Lieferanten-Artikelnummer: AK8003
Verfügbar: Ab Lager
Lagerbestand: 2 Stk.
Landschaftsgestaltung: Wasser
Farben-Art: Acryl
Farben-Art: Acryl
CHF / Stk. inkl. MwSt.
Gefärbtes Gel zur Darstellung von Wasser.
Das Gel kann mit Wasser oder Acrylic Thinner verdünnt werden.
Trocknungszeit 24 Stunden.
Atlantic Blue dense gel. Specially developed to mimic the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and open waters. To create a sense of depth, apply the gel over a painted surface. Drying time is dependent on the amount used; however, 24 hours is what we recommend. This is a high quality acrylic product developed for extreme realism.
Acrylic product for textures in dioramas. Perfect results in layers from 0.1 to 3 mm. It can be diluted with water or an acrylic thinner to improve its flow.
Perfect for 1:700 and 1:350 scales or for any other diorama. No toxic